Who in this modern world doesn’t need bags? Comfortable to carry,
easily available, and extremely convenient, bags have been designed to
suit the needs and tastes of every customer. Investing in various styles
of bags would therefore not be the worst idea. Like clothing and
accessories, various styles of bags have been designed to perform
different functions. To avoid making a fashion faux-pas and most
importantly to avoid making the wrong purchase, it is important for one
to have a basic idea about the various styles of bags and also their
purposes. Factors like price, brand, size, compartments, and features
can take a backseat for now.
Considering the fact that travel bags are a necessary accessory, it is safe to assume that you will be putting your bag through a lot of pressure. For this, it is important you buy bags from a trusted brand - bags that are tough enough to withstand prolonged exposure to pressure. And Wildcraft bags have been designed to perform. An Indian company founded in 1998, Wildcraft is now one of India’s largest manufacturers of outdoor and adventure gear. The brand takes on their philosophy of adventure and performance into their products and develops products that are tough, solid, and stylish in appearance. Choose from Wildcraft’s extensive collection of bags and you will be ready to take on any adventure.
Handbags - Mostly travel bags available in dark and earthy colors, Wildcraft handbags come with short or long straps. Designed to hold all your essentials and a lot more, Wildcraft bags in this style can be held in one’s hands or be carried hanging by the shoulders.
Totes – Ideal for men and women, tote bags from Wildcraft are spacious and affordably priced. These are made of softer fabrics and can be folded when not in use.
Slings – Available in attractive prints and colors, Wildcraft bags in this style are spacious and are the perfect bags for a casual day out, to college, work, when running errands, and even when travelling. Sling bags from this brand come with adjustable straps that allow you to alter its length so it is just right.
Backpacks – One of the most versatile styles of bags, carrying backpacks is always age-appropriate and never out of style. Wildcraft handbags are available in small, medium, and large sizes. Depending on your needs and the purpose of your purchase, you can choose Wildcraft backpacks with one compartment or ones with two and three compartments. Other features you can choose from include hip-strap and laptop sleeves.
Messenger bags – These are usually rectangular in shape and come with long straps. Ideal for men and women, you can choose from bags with one compartment or ones with as many as four compartments. Usually made from polyester or synthetic fabric, these bags can be used on a daily basis. Wildcraft messenger bags come with buckle, Velcro, or zip closure.
Laptop bags – Wildcraft bags in this style are available in various styles – backpack, messenger, and sling.
Gym bags – Considering the modern man’s need to stay physically fit, Wildcraft bags offers their unique collection of attractive gym bags so you can carry all your workout essentials conveniently. These can also double up as travel bags.
The best part is, buying Wildcraft bags online is now just a click away with Online shopping.
Considering the fact that travel bags are a necessary accessory, it is safe to assume that you will be putting your bag through a lot of pressure. For this, it is important you buy bags from a trusted brand - bags that are tough enough to withstand prolonged exposure to pressure. And Wildcraft bags have been designed to perform. An Indian company founded in 1998, Wildcraft is now one of India’s largest manufacturers of outdoor and adventure gear. The brand takes on their philosophy of adventure and performance into their products and develops products that are tough, solid, and stylish in appearance. Choose from Wildcraft’s extensive collection of bags and you will be ready to take on any adventure.
Handbags - Mostly travel bags available in dark and earthy colors, Wildcraft handbags come with short or long straps. Designed to hold all your essentials and a lot more, Wildcraft bags in this style can be held in one’s hands or be carried hanging by the shoulders.
Totes – Ideal for men and women, tote bags from Wildcraft are spacious and affordably priced. These are made of softer fabrics and can be folded when not in use.
Slings – Available in attractive prints and colors, Wildcraft bags in this style are spacious and are the perfect bags for a casual day out, to college, work, when running errands, and even when travelling. Sling bags from this brand come with adjustable straps that allow you to alter its length so it is just right.
Backpacks – One of the most versatile styles of bags, carrying backpacks is always age-appropriate and never out of style. Wildcraft handbags are available in small, medium, and large sizes. Depending on your needs and the purpose of your purchase, you can choose Wildcraft backpacks with one compartment or ones with two and three compartments. Other features you can choose from include hip-strap and laptop sleeves.
Messenger bags – These are usually rectangular in shape and come with long straps. Ideal for men and women, you can choose from bags with one compartment or ones with as many as four compartments. Usually made from polyester or synthetic fabric, these bags can be used on a daily basis. Wildcraft messenger bags come with buckle, Velcro, or zip closure.
Laptop bags – Wildcraft bags in this style are available in various styles – backpack, messenger, and sling.
Gym bags – Considering the modern man’s need to stay physically fit, Wildcraft bags offers their unique collection of attractive gym bags so you can carry all your workout essentials conveniently. These can also double up as travel bags.
The best part is, buying Wildcraft bags online is now just a click away with Online shopping.