The handbags were originally invented by Europeans to carry coins; the handbag has evolved to carry all the daily necessities, complement a woman’s wardrobe and even sometimes make a bold fashion statement. Whether you’re looking for a handbag for everyday use or an evening out, you’ve a large selection of designer handbags, stylish purses, sturdy totes and so on to choose from. When you’re looking to purchase one, be aware of all the available options. Find out about different types of functional handbags, evening handbags and iconic handbags.
The handbag carry all your essentials that you need on the go, including money, lipstick, cell phone, address book and many other necessities. Earlier handbags were made of leather or some soft fabric. From tote bags to evening handbags to iconic handbags such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton, handbags have carved a niche for itself in our society over time.
When you’re selecting that perfect handbag, one thing you should take into consideration is your body type. Normally, the opposite-shaped handbag to a particular body type is the best choice, or in other words it should be the most flattering to your body’s form. Traditional handbags come in various materials such as leather, canvas, straw, nylon and plastic. Other materials include embossed leather and calfskin leather.
Functional handbags are handbags large enough to carry papers, gym clothes and more. They are your go-to bag when you need to run an errand. Tote bags come with short-to-medium length straps or handles and are generally used to carry a variety of items. Mini or travel-size backpacks come on standard handbag sizes. They look like a miniature school backpack. Briefcases are usually used for keeping your business documents crisp, clean and organized.
Everyday bags are handbags that you use normally to carry your cell phones, accessories, makeup and anything else that you might need. Hobo bags are small crescent shaped bags that you can swing over your shoulder; satchels usually have a triangular side profile with a top carrying handle. Shoulder bags have a single strap or double set of straps that make it easy for you to carry it over your shoulder.
Evening handbags are for when you’re hitting the town. You can dress up your evening with a sophisticated clutch, or a fun and jazzy baguette or a velvet evening bag. An iconic handbag allows you to make a statement. Popular handbags include Hermes Kelly, Hermes Birkin, Louis Vuitton Speedy 30, Gucci Horsebit Hobo and Le Dix Motorcycle.
Having the perfect ladies handbags can complement any of your outfit for all occasions. Selecting the right handbag for you day or night wear is important. You need to know what kind of handbag matches your newest outfit or needs and the types available.
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